Dee's gallery | UE | 15 Minories, London

15 Minories was an office building in The City of London that was built in the late 70's near Aldgate Bus Station. The building was criticized by many and lasted until 2006 when it was closed and left abandoned. Over the years it housed a number of companies including AON Pension Trustees. The entire area was part of a redevelopment replacing the building with a new modern structure.

The following text is from a report in March 2007 about the redevelopment -

The architecture and overall vision for the scheme has a clarity that will be fundamental to delivering an excellent development, it will provide a strong basis upon which to develop the details. To achieve the vision of an intricate crystalline form will require careful detailing to ensure that the clarity of the vision is not undermined in construction. The City will need to consider this matter in term of conditions; planar glazed buildings such as this depend on high quality details and finishes that can easily succumb to value-engineering processes. It would be very disappointing if the floor plates dominate or the building blocks appear as masses rather than reflective.

Text curtosy of World Abandoned.
