I have formally asked for an ADHD referral...

Fri, 13 May 2022

I have been really struggling with motivation, keeping on top of basic tasks, self care.
I originally put this down to depression, but Sertraline, and Citalopram had no effect, both of which I have come off of.
Independently, I have had friends with ADHD recognise various symptoms in myself and suggested I check it out.

At school, I was always the "Has potential, but needs to apply themselves." person.
I was also diagnosed with Dyslexia (I now understand to be Dysgraphia too), after my parents could see I had some learning difficulties.
I was never "disruptive" so my parents (and me as an adult) were never clued into ADHD, until I learned about inattentive ADHD being a thing.

The current impact is...

The effects have increased since lockdown and working from home, I'm assuming due to lack of a set structure or schedule, as well as more distractions at home.
Some types of music help with this as it cuts out most of the outside world. Anything with talk has the opposite effect.

A typical scenario is something like:

Another I noticed a few weeks ago:

The other cat got fed eventually...

And a few days ago, I was in a meeting, and.. I can only describe it as "my brain gave up".
It was impossible to focus on what was being said and asked, and I could not think straight at all.
I tried to muddle through the rest, but I apologised and had to disconnect.

One thing I have recently found that helps, is accountability. Telling *other people* what I need to do, and what I have done.
Task lists and constant reminders sometimes help, they just grow, or get ignored as "too annoying", or I'm busy with something else.

I'm sure there are more examples that don't come to mind right now.

Screenshot of the ASRS survey